The temptation to begin writing on my research draws me inexorably to begin on page one, and yet, as in most things, introductions are in order. First I am writing under a nom de plume the reasons for which we will explore in coming articles. I am both Soldier and Anthropologist. Those of you familiar with the touchy history between the two will find that my life has been a constant pull between two poles. I am an Arabic linguist, have lived on multiple continents, and held many jobs of both military and ethnographic design. My research for the better part of my private professional life has been on understanding the reality constructs visible in the Human Experience, or as physicists seek a mathematical equation to encompass all understanding, I seek a unifying theory of reality construction for all humans. What we will explore in the coming pages is just that. I theorize that the human conscious creates reality from a base point equally regardless of race, gender, class... etc ad infitum.
As we get to know one another it is my hope that what I have to say will challenge you, provoke you, and in doing so challenge and provoke me. One purpose of the nom de plume is to allow an absence of political correctness, or in essence a safety net to allow you the blank space of academic discourse without fear of reprisal. This is not an invitation to "troll", but rather explore the coming topics in professional anonymity. I look forward to your comments as I explore first the double dichotomous divide as put forward by Bruno Latour in relation to the use of human terrain teams by the US Military, and how both the Military and the Anthropological community fell victim to an underlying division of the subconscious.
I can't wait to learn more!